
And this time, I found a mystery, that is, not only the inkstone grinds the cinnabar symbol to record the Keke monster, but also the inkstone body can directly kill the monster. Just face the monster directly with the inkstone, and then it won’t be so much to deal with the monster. It’s so simple to directly dig out the inkstone and fly the monster to death.
Guo Xiaosi’s pranayama is over, and his body doesn’t hurt anymore. It’s a pity that he picked up his coat and put it on, but he still felt that the left sleeve was burnt out.
But this little accident doesn’t matter. Guo Xiaosi still holds the inkstone in his arms, but his baby must be put on his chest.
The fox demon is dead, and the breath of the fox demon has also been sucked away. Guo Xiaosi has also raised the pure yang work to the fifth level. Then he should do the work and send a letter to the Tang master of the Taiyin Sect Guanghan Palace. He has to go to Zhongze County to complete the generation of Li Yuanye Hall.
Just as Ziyun watched the gate, he saw a Taoist priest, Guo Xiaosi, staggering along the mountain road. He cried in surprise, but he was an old acquaintance, Jiu Jianxian.
Jiu Jianxian rushed to Pingfeng City because Guo Xiaosi’s one-year contract expired. Only when he arrived in Pingfeng City did he know that Guo Xiaosi had gone to Zhongze County, so he also rushed to Zhongze County, but he met Taoist Wu and his gang in Pingfeng City. When he heard that there was a fox demon in Ziyun View, he put Guo Xiaosi aside and wandered to Ziyun View.
But only when you can see Ziyun Temple can you see Guo Xiaosi waving and shouting at him in front of the mountain gate.
Drunk sword fairy came to Guo Xiaosi’s side in the blink of an eye, and when he saw him, he couldn’t help asking curiously. I heard people say that you saw this monster in Ziyun Guanli.
Saw the body inside Guo Xiaosi also don’t return your hand pointed back and said.
You can also kill monsters.
Guo Xiaosi didn’t want others to know about inkstone. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your old man’s church."
Jiu Jianxian smiled hey hey and suddenly remembered something to ask, so you didn’t find the monster Dan.
Dan Guo Xiaosi forgot all about it, but the fox demon’s body has been blown to pieces. Although he didn’t pay attention, he did not see Dan.
Jiu Jianxian scratched his head strangely. Although the body of the fox demon was divided into more than a dozen pieces, Dan could not be found. But how could this fox demon have been practicing for a hundred years without Dan? And how could this fox demon kill it with Guo Xiaosi’s meager mana?
Small four, you come over to Jiu Jianxian, and you really don’t understand, so you waved to Guo Xiaosi and said, How did you kill this hundred-year-old fox demon?
Guo Xiaosi also knew that ordinary Fu Lu couldn’t kill such a profound fox demon, so he laughed and said that when I came, the fox demon was already scarred. It must have been that the Taoist priests had fought with the fox demon in the Taoist temple. Although it defeated the Taoist priests, it was also injured, so my several Fu Lu became the last blow. Speaking of it, I am really lucky.
Jiu Jianxian nodded. It should be like this. How can you kill this hundred-year-old fox demon with a scribble record? But where is this fox demon Dan? How is the fox demon body divided into more than a dozen pieces?
Guo Xiaosi and Cong immediately replied that I was injured by him when the fox demon was fighting. He said that he would show the burnt place of the left sleeve to Jiu Jianxian and continued, so after killing the fox demon, I was annoyed but the sword divided its body into more than a dozen pieces.
Jiu Jianxian snorted and said, I can’t believe that you are still a cruel person. Hehe, it is dead, and you will have to break its body again. However, you really have to do this against monsters who are more sophisticated.
What? Guo Xiaosi is strange.
It’s very simple. The profound monster will escape even if he is killed, that is to say, the body was destroyed, but Yuan Shen didn’t die, so he borrowed the body to revive him, explained Jiu Jianxian
Guo Xiaosi also wanted to ask some more questions in this respect, but Jiu Jianxian suddenly started to choke her fingers, so I couldn’t help exclaiming that it was not good.
What’s the matter? Guo Xiaosi was confused by his surprise.
Jiu Jianxian said with a heavy face that he has an adversary in this area, but he won’t be difficult for you. You go to Zhongze County first, and I’ll find you after I solve this adversary.
Yeah, it’s okay, Guo Xiaosi. Be worried
Jiu Jianxian laughed. Although he is a difficult adversary, it is not easy for him to take my life. Besides, we have been fighting for more than ten years and we have not been able to draw a tie. He can’t win this time. There is nothing for you here. You go first.
Guo Xiaosi left Ziyun Temple to go to Zhongze County to deliver the letter.
Jiu Jianxian waited for a moment and vaguely felt that he had arrived, so he sneered at you again.
It’s not easy for Guo Xiaosi to walk along the official road and enter Qingxia Peak, but it’s still fast when he walks up. When he practices the pure Yang plough step, he drives the body to turn the pure Yang qi and practices a pure Yang skill by the way.